Does it annoy you if people don’t message back? What do you do?
Which disaster did we move on from too quickly?
What has become so expensive that it's not worth buying anymore?
Do they get more vocal as they get older?
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
My Dog is Racist
I Miss The Old Days
I just want to give a fun fact without context, to see if anyone has the same reaction I did:
Help wanted
Hyvee Fast and Fresh Gas West Des Moines issues
Need advice
People who are 30y and above, what's the harshest life-lesson you've learnt?
What’s the most overrated thing that everyone seems obsessed with?
PPI test
Claim adjuster fired?
I hate Sedgwick
Late payments
What's a 'kid food' you secretly (or not so secretly) still enjoy as an adult?
What is something everyone seems to love but you strongly hate?
Do you miss your 20s?
What's your go to pool/beach drink?
Do you still like you should be going out on Friday and Saturday nights?
What double standards exist in your relationship that women refuse to acknowledge?
In one short reply, Why will next season be a better one for your team?
AIW for my comment during a fight with my wife?