What somthing 99% of people do wrong, but have no idea?
Travelers who have been to the US and then gone back home, what's something that you wish was available in your country?
What seems simple and straightforward but turns out to be unexpectedly challenging?
Season 13 episode 1 American Jihad
If all your secrets got out, how fucked are you?
Why wouldn’t someone prefer to be known for ending poverty or hunger rather than being richest for a period of time?
Why do billionaires want/need tax cuts?
Americans, are mega churches real? Does anyone have any stories or information about what they’re actually like?
Charging up!
Why do we call roman / greek god stories mythology but not the Qur'an or the bible ?
Folk who have traveled abroad, what shocked you most about your destination?
What kills a relationship?
Guess what the countries in red have in common
if you could communicate telepathically with all 8 billion people on earth simultaneously, what would you say?
magazine covers
What’s something critical that a disturbing number of people don’t know?
How old is this globe?
Americans are allowing Trump to usher in the total collapse of the US and are completely unaware of the plans currently underway in Europe to ostracise the US as "persona non grata", Why?
Is there a perfect a socioeconomic system, if so what is it and why haven't we adopted it?
What would happen if a country retaliated against US tariffs by, among other things, imposing a 200% or 300% tariff on Tesla Vehicles?
People from the USA: What would you do if Quebec decided to turn off the electricity that goes toward the whole New England territory and you cannot watch the Super Bowl?
What country did you go to that you will never go to again?
What's something you believe in that most people would consider crazy or unrealistic?
What would you say if you had lunch with the current leader of your country?
What exactly was so great about the 1950s that America wants to return to it?