UMich is insanely expensive
How in the world do u study
Is taking 4-5 aps senior year manageable?
Umich or Vanderbilt
People who got a 4,5 in AP calc AB
Everyone who applied to UT
ACCEPTED Wharton class of 2029
do I submit a 33ss to Vandy ed2?
I just farted. What AP should i take?
Has anyone deleted scores before?
Still no scores from the Dec 14th date
Is relearning Physics units 1-5 possible in 23 days 💀
December 14 ACT Results - still waiting
Can someone explain calculus?
Macbook for engineering?
Still no scores.. anyone else?
Still no score... Anyone else?
Got my 40 Acres Scholarship Email!!
No ACT score East Coast
hoping some more scores will come out today 01/02
If you were admitted ED this year did you submit a Glimpse video?
have you guys started college apps yet?
Still no results :/
counselor hasn’t signed my ED2 agreement, what to do?