Do you think we'll ever get an actual styling contest?
Show me your stylist card!
Are you for or against assisted dying?
Signage for the protest
What tea is it?
How do you all feel about kratom? I've been thinking about getting some for pain. I have no insurance and no doctor even tries to help me
I 💜 yunnan sourcing
Did anyone just feel the earthquake?!
Could you guys share some of the personal meanings behind some of his songs to you?
Some Shooting Star Season screenshots ✨
GPU not detected on startup every morning
For those upset about the voter ID ballot initiative, you are worried about the wrong thing
Anyone else obsessed with the bassline during the bridge of PPG
How do you guys feel about the order of the tracks in SMILE?
Number of tornadoes by state in 2024 🌪️
Feeling curious, what is your least favorite song off of each album?
Anyone drink with POTS?
has anyone ever tried this kind of thing, is it practical or useless?
Day 9: The State takes the 8th spot, nobody saw this coming 👮 We're halfway through so it's time for Porter's very best song! Most upvoted comment in 24h wins (side projects, live edits, and duplicates allowed)
Day 4: TTFA takes spot 3 ⛰️☀️ Now let’s find out how to make Porter fans cry! Most upvoted comment in 24h wins (side projects, live edits, and duplicates allowed)
(Pertaining to being neurodiverse) Don't you think it's sick how we're concern-trolled about 'learning' people 'skills' when studies finally proved that NTs hate us from the moment they meet us?
Day 2: Mother takes the first spot 🌼 What about the most OVERrated song? Most upvoted comment within 24h wins (side projects and live edits allowed!)
Who Is Your Favourite Non Porter EDM Artist?
Lady gave me the stink eye