Cornucopia movie on Apple Music not working
In honor of the Olympics…20 years ago!
are you tjöp or bjöttom?
my online friend sent me a shirt she made
Which Björk song makes you do this.
Describe a Björk song poorly…
Medulla fans.. I recommend this game’s soundtrack
i finally finished bjork's core discography for the first time, and here's how I'd rank the albums. i know it looks controversial, but i gave each album ONE SINGULAR LISTEN, so please expect this to change a little. warmthness
Did Spotify sent you to Berkeley, California? Haha, apparently we were all sent there.
Everyone makes this on r/mitski so...
Underrated songs
Björk choir music sheets online?
Rhythm Notation Help
what word do you think björk used alot in her discography?