First Symptoms
what weird part of your body hurts on a bad day?
Weird thought: is it safer for someone with EDS to roll an ankle than for someone without?
Meaningless pain
Does wearing clothes hurt you, too + Q"s about Mayo EDS Clinic
EDS Clinic at Mayo
How long will this last?
Could it be lack of blood to brain?(aka cerebral hypoperfusion)?
it's not POTS??
How do we feel about hot tubs?
what kind of jobs do you guys have?
Feels like I'm not getting enough air even though I'm breathing just fine.
does anybody think they’re faking it??
Doctor doesn’t want to ‘label’ me
How often do you feel normal/almost normal?
Reasons for going to the ER: Eds and pots edition
Shoulder joint popping out?
artistic expression of pots
Yay EDS???
Finally Diagnosed
Anybody else get bad rib pain?
Can HEDS be more mild?
Beighton Scale rant
Do y’all ever get dizzy / pre-syncope after a really good, intense stretch?