44m new to seriesX
I miss the old Walmart
Homeless video goes viral and users' reactions are priceless.
It’s over…
An earlier post got me nostalgic of defunct search engines. What was your go-to home page?
The Trump administration should absolutely do this. 50% of DC would be OUT. Drain the Swamp!
JFK standing outdoors at his inauguration in 22 degree weather without an overcoat.
Here is a great example of Anarchy
This is literally worse than active combat…
New to this but this bill looks off center/ misprinted... Is it worth more than face value?
1989 - Watching the 4th of July parade wearing a Bartman shirt, jams, high top Reeboks and sitting in a vinyl tube fold out chair with my Dad and little brother
Are we prepared for this storm?
Found this at my job the other day
Been I. The family a couple generations.
Huge shout out to all my multi national neighbors that seem to never work but all have PA systems in their government funded apartments!
Camel Cash and Marlboro Miles. Back when cigarette swag kinda made you cool. 🤣🤣
Vote Now For The Banknote Of The Month Contest!!
Found this today!
Who will be selling us life insurance in 20 years?
Misprint Dollar
What's with guys carrying machetes on Cap Metro bus?
Closest I've ever found!
Christmas miracle!
Are you on track to retire in your mid 60’s?
The Definitive 2024 Starter Pack
No roommates and enough space for a piano is impressive in this economy 🥑