who is that babe
What if the Soviet union and China swapped places? Bothe powers during the 1990’s
By @Scrambled_Eggu
The Kaisers Order in Europe (my first ever map so i'd like to hear your criticism :D)
“All for nothing at all” .The two great powers of Europe after the Great flood of 1964
minos jumpscare
Whatever the hell this was came to me as I was half-asleep.
What if the Weimar Republic survived but war happened anyway because Germany’s gonna Germany? The Anti-Cominterm pact, 1943
The Euro-Soviet struggle and "Near WW3"
A dream I had while at my stay in California and Arizona
They won’t be home for Christmas. What if the Berlin Crisis of 1961 Escalated
Austrian Civil war, 1927
What if the 1993 Russian Constitutional crisis escalated into a civil war?
Family Feud: Germany and Austria’s break up after the Great war (NO KAISERREICH AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH)
What if the Berlin Crisis escalated a lil’ too much? Eastern Germany wiki page
Fast, Fast, Fast! Total victory is close! | German propaganda poster in an alternate ww1
Eastern Europe in 1920
“New America, New Friends!” Propaganda poster for the new American Republic in an alternate ww1 where everyone was drunk
The collapsed United states after a ww1 where everyone was very drunk
What if Germany won ww2 and collapsed right after but it’s a PowerPoint presentation made by a burnt out student at 2:00am (full thingy)
Germany wins WW2 but wait what the fuck
Germany wins ww2 and Russia collapses but it’s a shitty “guess the country” quiz