Can BPD cause delusions/paranoia?
Is there a type of OCD that's only hygiene related?
Does anyone know if our library does dnd games?
Whats everyones fight response here?
Be aware: sometimes hypervigilance can make you act rude sometimes.
How can i keep all my nails one length?
Happy Evan Peters
alleged new photo
new photo
Is anyone elses migraines made worse by 'bad' thoughts?
You can't even TRY to make yourself comfortable.
Tweam is back, just with another name! Check the comments for the reply
Is Tweam gone? I can’t find it anymore
What demograph of people is family guy supposed to attract?
Anybody else see the duck shaped cloud?
Why do some people not teach their kids about hygiene?
They’re putting on my musical!
Daily Dahmer- More nurse reports from the military, one for an ear ache that was most likely related to this incident referenced in Shrine, and the other appears to be for a panic attack
Looking for a roommate (and an apartment)
Has anyone else developed weird 'health ailments' when you entered youe 30's?
Erik’s YouTube channel
Strange question
How do you maintain hygiene when you are unwell?