Tax on Shift Work
Cancelling a phone contract. 11months into 24 months, with iPhone.
Did I waste 4 years of my life?
Landlord is insane and we need advice
Recommendations for Tech Adapters/Cables
I had not so good grades back in school altogether, can that stop me from get into UCC?
How Long can Insurance Company Hold my Data for?
In your opinion, what app is missing on your mac?
Is this a legal verbal warning from landlord?
Does anyone actually tip delivery drivers anymore?
Night out costs?
Xmas Bonus
What should I wear today based on the weather
Love Todoist BUT wish it had a progress tracker
Land lord kicking me out
ID Requested to Update my Email Address
One4All in Cork
How does everyone afford to live?
In your opinion, what cities in Europe are not worth coming back to?
Job Readvertised
How do I decline a job offer when I'm supposed to start tomorrow?
What's life like in Killorglin?
I fucked up SO bad
Has anyone ‘hacked’ lunch?