Timișoara trebuie să lase 13 milioane de euro la bugetul de stat
Unde mai iesim la un concert?
The Braveheart Mod: Scottish only signings in England... but hard coded Bilbao-style
Dacă în România s-ar instaura dictatura cine ar fi "dușmanii poporului"?
Ionuț Moșteanu (USR), despre cum Georgescu „fură curent”
Its over guys. They lied
What's your personal FM conspiracy theory?
Miles should resign
FM25 “Trailer”
Reminder: SI have been working on this new engine to some extent since January 2020
The only news I want to get today
It's almost 7PM on the last day of January and NOTHING. This is actually hilarious at this point.
One thing we can all agree on: Get rid of this trash logo
Is it time to call it a day?
Any day now
Football manager 100%
Memories like this one make me really worried about (graphical) standards for FM25
Send a message to SI: Cancel your preorder FM25
Locatarii unui bloc din Timișoara sunt tulburaţi de un sunet straniu, care se aude zi și noapte
Have you ever bought a kit just because of FM?
Actorul Jesse Eisenberg despre vacanta in Timisoara
Lasconi era presedinta acum, daca CCR nu se punea in genunchi in fata Ciolacu si PSDPNL. Change my mind
Does anybody know how i hire a coach dedicated to strenght training?
Daima Dlc