Growing taller but loosing leaves
Stardew Valley has an employment rate of 91%
Help IDing Westmoreland Carnival Amber
Deleting downloaded tree from Ancestry App
“I double dog dare you to buy a house on Amazon.”
Should I go back into teaching?
Hang curtains in an apartment
Research Tasks Stuck
Still confused how legit third-parties are- and how they’re still being bought
Need stain removal help! Heavyweight Garment Dyed brand-new band shirt + greasy food stain (mayo or mustard). Tried dish soap and Zout! laundry, still can see it.
Anyone else connected to Aodh/Aed?
[Complete] [110K] [Urban Fantasy-YA LGBTQ] Call Us Monsters
Beastiary Flow Chart for my Soon to be Beastiary
One of those ‘it’s been in the basement forever’ kinda safes. No handle, no dial, no hinges. Google shows nothing on this company. Any thoughts?
Hope blood being toxic to Landon
Modern desert town 'Lighthouse' for my urban fantasy book - Paper vs WIP
Lego/Warner Bros IP missed opportunity
Puppy and Panaeolina foenisecii???
Puppy's with Panaeolina foenisecii???
[TOMT] [Movie] [Early 2000/2010s] Indie Time travel movie being fully submerged in a bathtub
A huge giveaway for these hard working conductors!
Giveaway thread for March