Sam Wise the underestimated..
Movie that has the best cinematography in your opinion?
Since we're not sticking to UK only anymore. Green Anaconda as Nagini.
What in the world Kanye.
My wife suggested the perfect Harry Potter!
Captain America was an amazing Officer compared to this “Elvis-lookin” mother fucker
What place have you traveled that’s reminded you most of The Shire?
Is there a better feeling than a completely empty line?
The official White House website has removed the page showcasing former Presidents.
What moment sent the coldest chills down your spine, that to this day…you watch to get hyped?
“New England” Pasta
Why are there no likeable characters on the show?
Burger Sauce
My visit to Hiroshima was incredibly moving! A place every nuclear nation leader must visit.
Throwback to when my roommate wore a bowser costume to class
I'm Just Done with Succession and Don't Know What to Do Anymore
Hello, Simpson. I'm riding the bus today because Mother hid my car keys to punish me for talking to a woman on the phone. She was right to do it.
Carbonara New Hampshire
What Marvel or DC character could William Zabka aka Johnny Lawrence could play? Especially 1984 William Zabka
Any suggestions to improve my space?
80 years since Battle of the Bulge
W Randy Moss ❤️
Can you please give me some recommendations?
I have a tradition of always watch the series in December closing in on Christmas.