The only time his nickname fit him well.
Who is this? My grandad took this picture, and I have been told it was someone famous…
If someone on Reddit sends you a chat request, do you respond?
Aliens announce a plan to eradicate all human life. Their population greatly outnumbers all of humanity. A deity gives you a device to wipe them all out instead. Do you use it?
[Sydney Australia] Snake ID
What celebrity has totally out-famed their peers?
Opinion: This guy might have been the funniest one-off guest character ever to appear on the show.
‘It’s not a competition, it’s art you f$$&@ng Neanderthal’
Was Grug at every school or just mine?
What do you say before sex?
I have experienced nothing romantically at 17. Am I behind in life? I feel like a loser
My boyfriend and I have a non-traditional relationship and I couldn’t be happier
Is Reddit completely overreacting to the current US political situation or is everyone else underreacting?
The vents of the How I Met your Mother were well foreshadowed, if not telegraphed.
They really don't want to free their slaves, huh?
Guys don’t REALLY have “Cum-socks” and “Cum-jars”, do they?
Down under pizza layered with Vegemite
When did you found out the NAMBLA is a Real Organization?
Wire in car in pocket between gearstick and radio what is it?
Why do we sing "Rock-A-Bye Baby" to lull a baby to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle on the ground?
If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your shirt say?
What's something you did as a child because you didn't know any better that now you now feel bad about?
[September 11th, 2001] A man tries to climb down the North Tower of the WTC after the tower was hit by American Airlines Flight 11. The man made it down approximately 9-10 floors before losing his grip and falling.
Why walk barefoot in the land with more venomous creatures per square mile than any other?
What is the best compliment you have ever received?