super tired today :/
What kind of Chicken is this?
Tell me what colour I should dye my hair 🙏
Weekends mean playing with makeup
You are seeking yourself
AIO at these texts
Every man is born but not every man lives
A Cool Guide Make Yourself Bright😊✨
Gnostic sign of the cross ?
my outfit from brunch with friends today :)
Merry Christ Mass
This excerpt resonated with me yesterday and I wanted to share. From the book man’s eternal quest
Survival horror girlie
Osho on Democracy
wearing my new shirt to go work in the studio !
Osho: Family, the root cause of neurosis
NASA Picture that Reveals 'Possible' Archaeological Site on Mars. Straight lines rarely occur in nature
Emotional self-preservation
Forget about being God
Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do & love everyone and tell the truth.
You should know... your wife kissed me on the cheek when I got here.
A yogi is found by the Indian army in the Himalayas deep in meditation, wearing practially nothing in the sitting lotus position, stared at by wolves
The People’s March
Saw this on Facebook with half a million likes