You have 30 minutes to hide a paperclip in your house before an FBI team arrives to find it. Where do you put it?
Can anyone help me spot what I'm missing here (or whether there's an error in the game)?
I like these shows, any suggestions?(the order is random)
Anyone interested in getting into real estate career? (Lending or Realtor or both)
Convince me to not to move to Utah
You killed my friend, prepare to die.
Would/Did you change your surname after marriage? Why?/Why not?
My fiancé said he’s not sexually attracted to me because of my appearance
My name is Caroline, give me a nickname. Get creative with it
Liquid food suggestions to make eating more appealing?
I’m tired of not having needs met
Let’s welcome some variety :) Comment photos of your work! (*Aside* from the bold & easy style❤️)
How would you pronounce Louis?
What do you eat for dinner?
A movie with it all: A conspiracy, betrayal, love, action, and a singing contest.
Down on their luck individual talks to rodents and finds love.
What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
Books that feel like free therapy?
What games can you sink hours into without getting bored?
What my fridge say
The Unfortunate inevitable has happened: starting to get bored of graham crackers. Does anyone have a good alternative?
Creative response ideas for declining a calling? I'm PIMO and attend Church for my spouse. Welcoming any suggestions from very spicy to polite. I don't care if I offend them.
Blursed tattoo
To the two people who are here rn
taking a break from circlejerking