i am so fucking jealous of girls with big boobs
Stress and Hair Loss
Trying to see if a toy from childhood actually existed
Loud banging noises and stomping is triggering
Finding Toy from Memory hard plastic small fairy with teal hair
Help! Looking for Teal small plastic fairy figurine (maybe tooth fairy themed) from the 90’s
What video game comes to mind when you see this?
Can someone tell me where these little mini toys/things are from?
Childhood Bear- Gifted in 1996
I feel like I don’t deserve any love, platonically, romantically, etc. and I also feel like I’m supposed to be alone. Is this normal?
Reddit is regulated to the point I can’t post ANYTHING
I hate womens shorts
Thread about relationships deletes posts for “moping??”
Can someone be interested in you and also not ready for a relationship?
Question on Measure 111 and funding
the 10 free covid tests the government sent us expired 2 months ago
So i was just harrassed by 2 people because I was using a hair style that they said was just for black people but i was just using curly hair because I was recreating my irl self (I have ginger-ish-brown curly hair and im fully white). Just wanna know, am i really not allowed this hairstyle?
Preferred Properties Northwest Reviews?
Help I am losing so much hair!!
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are both in the wrong
I made a mistake now my CT is punishing me for it
My main question
I want to marry you!
My ex boyfriend overdosed and my boyfriend has no sympathy for him or me.