Smartest things kids have done in horror movies
final destination
had to pick this up after listening to the podcast
What classic horror movie do you want to see get a good faithful remake/reboot?
the sleepaway sequels
Rate my set up
Another one.
How would you sort these in your collection?
the crush
panic room (2002)
I had to 😂🤣
Of the "Big 3" horror franchises (Halloween, F13th & Nightmare On Elm Street) which one is the best as a whole?
Drew this after seeing the trailer today. Looking forward to the new movie!
rosemary’s baby
cult classic recommendations
Post-Scream, how do you feel about the late 90's/2000's slasher films in 2019?
Blind-buys. Love the original Sleepaway Camp and was never interested in the sequels, but I've heard good things about the second one. I don't expect it to be as, um, peculiar as the first, but I'm hoping for a good time nonetheless!
pinhead's reimagining
Working on reorganizing my collection.... So figured I'd post my 4k collection so far
jason on a boat
Took the new IT promo and... Changed it.
the jason slug
Halloween 2018 theory