66 kills
There’s no way
Skin Mods
Koja vam je najdraža igrica?
No signal
Whats a story game you think is amazing but barely anyone knows?
Najčudnije ime koje ste čuli da je netko dao djetetu?
I cut my finger and can't use it because of stitches. Recommend your all time favorite point and click games!
First PC Part Price
What’s the most fun/rewarding title you have completed?
Anyone else feel like the game has passed them by?
Dungeon drops are way over due for a rework
How common is hacking?
How many clears did you do before getting Icebreaker?
This bothers me. A tanto is blunt on that particular side of the blade. Why didnt they think this trough? Its probably not noticable for most players but for me its annoying.
Budućnost u IT-ju
Studentski posao iz noćne more
Who is the most wholesome/friendly character in gaming?
I think I have ghost storage and dont know how to delete it.
Final shape witness fight
Final shape opinion
What’s your Guardian doing the night before?
Lost sector bugged?
Legendary lost sector loot?
Weapons changes coming with TFS