If you are poor, it is perfectly normal to spend all day on the computer (video game, television...)
The best course of action for unattractive beta males is to utilize the sugar dating and passport bro strategies.
Private number plates are such a waste of money, and have the opposite effect to what the owners think.
who would you have voted for in the 1984 election and which state are you from?
It was a mistake to vote for Trump unless you are a billionaire, a Christian fundamentalist, or a xenophobic nationalist.
What Is Worth More Than All The Money In The World?
Good-faith question
Modern Cars are just awful to own
What’s a thing that immediately drives you crazy?
We need a new word for unintelligent
Stop getting offended for other people
Thinking back on how I saw price gouging in the military and want to let people know this is how their taxes are waisted
Air Force One flew over my house last night.After the 6 Thunderbirds did a fly by, we were graced with the sound of a sonic boom when the President landed . Bless his heart, a round trip from Mar-a-Largo to the Daytona 500.How many jobs were lost for that cost?
no one should be forced to serve in the military.
Second job while in military?
any tips on how to appease the dice gods?
am I attracted to strong men or leaders because I'm a woman or I'm just autistic?
Calling someone a nazi or a fascist doesn't work
Calling homeless people “unhoused” is stupid word-policing
In America homeless people with drug issues constantly getting high should be institutionalized against their will.
Old people are a burden on society
Americans, Will you be willing to give up your lives for your country to make Canada the 51st State?
What happens if Trump enacts Martial Law?
What if Trump balances the budget and eliminates the deficit?
What is some of the best bait you’ve fallen for on Reddit?