Am I autumn? If so, which subtype?
Discrete Sydney CBD Lunch Spot
What should I add or remove
Help - type me!
Does your family have cases of asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or bowel disease?
Anti inflammatory/healthy diet suggestions
do you have migraines too?
what is the most ridiculous request you’ve received from your exec?
What does my top 5 say about me?
Share your cat's 'I don't give a fck' look.
Is a Eurail pass worth it?
Laparoscopy pain
How do you keep going?
How did you find out you had endometriosis and how old were you?
There is always hope
Does anyone have a method or tool for sending out a mass calendar invite for an event but without attendees being able to see the invite list/email addresses?
Italy Elopement Locations
Secret Santa gift!
Shocked myself
What age do sleepovers stop / slow down for girls?
Recommendations on makeup for fair but warm skin tone
Need advice on Italy, Greece & Croatia Itinerary
Friend at scene. Policeman shot, gunman killed. She heard 5 shots. Took shelter behind plant pot with 2 others. Construction workers running over the road to escape. At least it’s over.
People who had traumatic childhoods, what's something you do as an adult that you hadn't realised was a direct result of the trauma? [Serious] [NSFW]
How many people do you support?