Limits of Redemption?
Never stop drawing
[Hated Trope] Characters who are hated for killing off beloved fan-favorite characters.
This can arguably considered to be in everyone top 3 Star Wars movie so what is one critique you have of the movie?
Why didn't tyrion asked bronn to assassinate gregor in his sleep?
To People Who Have Read Dune—Fans and Haters Alike…
Favorite celebrities whose partners are half their age ? I'll start
stop trying to make me use the revolvers
What is this man's first name?
This movie had such awful writing, my god
Despite being a bad series, what are some things Metastasis does better than Breaking Bad?
The world needs more Science Fantasy (IMO) and no I don't mean Dune or Star Wars.
Do you write like Earnest Hemingway?
Guys, it was Silmarils. I was searching for art of the Silmarils.
A Nice Detail Adaptation-wise
where can i read this LN for free , i just fineshed anime and i really like it it will be my first LN
[Code Veronica/X] Between the OG and X versions of the Wesker vs Alexia fight, which do you prefer? Wesker being weaker or on even footing with Alexia?
Vomit Gags Treated 100% Straight By The Characters
Do you prefer to read or write standalone books or a book series?
What other serious Godzilla movies are? Movies that aren't schlocky or camp?
Remember when Dumb & Dumber were about to make Dany a Lesbian in s6 for no reason and then backed out in S7. What was that lustful interaction between Dany & Asha for?
Am I the only one who actually really likes this figure?
What was the Jedi plan at Geonosis?
Kingdom of Ash - Final Erawan Battle Complaint SPOILERS
You can only get one, which one are you getting?