performing femininity vent
“My tits are down here sir”
Everything went dark but only 2 of us noticed
Looking for others who know what they saw
Why Do UAP Ets reality spiritual Discussions Seem to Attract Mostly Older Generations
People looking down on you for dancing?
I’m suddenly okay after I did this
I asked them to show themselves to me
What is something you’ve gained by being a stripper?
How do you stay in shape?
Driving far
I feel like I don't deserve treatment
Who’s your favorite demographic of customer?
I love to dance but am incredibly awkward in my body
How much should you let someone touch you on stage and in Privates?
Rant about dating; cut him loose?
Do you call yourself a stripper if you work at a gentleman’s club?
earplugs for work
DAE deal with existential OCD mixed with religious OCD?
The Elder Gods were right...
Time is finally slower again??!?
What are your current fixations/special interests?
Ocd sufferer
Increased deja vu & old dreams resurfacing?