Who is your Celebrity crush
Describe your favorite episode badly
I could scream “I’m a LESBIAN!” from the rooftops and people would still think I like men.
I have been influenced. I didn’t expect to like it but it was actually really good.
How old are we?
Those wearing the rat heads in the nutcracker - how do you breathe?
I might be being dramatic but this has been really bothering me [Rant]
Favorite lgbt+ related songs/artist?
trans (mtf) who wants to try ballet, but has some fears
I made my daughter get an abortion because she’s slow.
Teacher has been giving me more corrections than usual
Playlist just hit 460! Give me a number 1-450
My ribbons keep snapping off!
What is your favorite comfort episode?
ABC's of Bob's Burgers (Vote for Y)
What episode ideas do you have/what would you like to see?
Books that won’t give me anxiety?
What totally normal name do you not like
I crocheted a life size Bob Belcher for funsies 🍔💖
Just gonna debunk some myths about trans people real quick.
World’s richest 14yo
Anyone else think that the reason Teddy thinks Bob's last name is "Burger" is because early Mr. Fishoeder would call Bob and a Linda Mr. and Mrs. "Burger"?
If you live in an area where it gets warm, how do you dance in > 95F (>35C) weather?
What would you like to see in a modern Story Ballet?
I (15M) just came out as gay to my brother