What song has the best bridge?
What is top on your playlist rn?
Guess my age and gender.
Modern Female Band Suggestions?
Someone recced my drarry fic on tiktok!!!!
whats ur tv girl ‘deep cut’?
What band got you into metal?
Anti-Fascist Music Recommendations
Music that makes you feel like a bad*ss?
Wait- You hate them more than me? How dare you😡
Songs like Sadness As A Gift by Adrianne Lenker
Hype songs for playing sports
Snowy/Wintery Fics
My cat listening to Slowdive for the first time
Name other definitive post punk albums
What was your first, best & worst concert ?
Recommend me songs/artists that you love that you don’t think gets enough appreciation.
Apart from Lovesong and maybe the most 'famous' love songs by The Cure. Which one do you think has the most beautiful lyrics?
Can a healthy diet and lots of exercise hinder the negative effects of cigarettes to some extent?
Gimme your favorites (one for each topic - or more) (pretty please)
Who's your celebrity crush?
name the artist and i’ll tell u my top3 songs!!
What song is stuck in your head right now?
Sometimes the brain feels like a torture device
A “Guilty Pleasure” song you can’t stop playing Right now?