What's a film you'll always enjoy watching, no matter what critics, reviewers, and cinephiles tell you otherwise?
Which film had more hype leading upto its release?
What do we think about Darryl?
Which movie is that for you?
Why were the Prequels hated then, but are Loved now.
Most underrated king book
Which was the first movie you watched in theatres?
Your top 3 movies from 90’s & early 00’s
Has there ever been a celebrities death hit you hard?
What is something that is actually more traumatizing than most people realize?
What movie was critically acclaimed when it first released, but is hated now?
Which film made you laugh the hardest?
What game franchise is this for you?
What is one thing you would delete from Earth that you think will make it a lot better?
What's an obscure movie you LOVE but no one know wtf you're talking about when you mention it?
Series you've tried multiple times to like and just can't get into.
What is your favorite outfit worn by a Seinfeld character?
J. Scott Campbell Cover Art
Best Quentin Tarantino movie ?
What's a movie sequel that is objectively worse than the original, but you prefer more?
Is “Smile 2” actually good or is everyone just lying again?
What’s your favorite title drop in a movie?
What Movie Sex Scenes Are Etched Into Your Mind Permanently?
Confidence (2003)