Show your favourite pictures of your horse(s)!
Showing my favorite outfits 💜
Can we collectively decide to stop being A-Holes?
Opinion on these bits?
Foals at medieval tournament field
Conformation thoughts
Has anyone else had this happen?😭
Has anyone ever used this hack?
FINALLY this was such a grind 😭 but worth it
Before and after
the noseband...
i want those goggles
Do you care about the stats on your outfit/tack?
My new baby!
Bit Suggestion
My sweet baby❤️
What would you assume is the most abusive sport and why?
i had no idea the nacogdoches saddle made such a difference
Fanfics in 2025
Horse biting on the hand when offered a treat. How to improve this?
Player base...
Does anyone know what happened to the 'half halt'
What’s the best feed ?
never noticed this 🥺