I need some
Why do so many people refuse to check bags?
Shopper refused to get milk
What does my fridge say about me?
1:1 and group questions
f2f 🔺 last minute questions
too long?
outfit for f2f
I goofed up
Too much for my F2F?
Chicago has fallen!
The word "soda" sweeps across the US.
🔺 FA “QUR” status … any updates??
f2f group questions
Did delta go down in their pay?
Found at an Amish grocery store
Delta Rejection
first year fa living expenses
My SIC has been flattened!
got my f2f today🔺any tips?
🔺 app Qualifications under review
Who else got yellow water?
sandy jackpot
game for game?
RANT: group of 30 drunk people left no tip