AIO my adult daughter won’t speak to me
AITA for being weirded out that my guy friend keeps record of my periods?
Anyone seen this before?
AITA for taking my friend’s sick dog to an expensive vet without her consent while she was away?
Classics MA but not studied at undergrad
What kind of lizard is this? [california]
A group of 9th graders write all the drugs they know of.
I experienced my first "NiceGirl" meltdown
What is your dream snake?
Kirstens 'seizure' in the early hours of this morning. Big trigger warning ⚠️ 28/01/25
what’s wrong with her eye!?
Missed doses - normal?
Hey you, go check your filters. Right now.
Help name my baby girl??
CC photo dump
My reptile corner and shelf !
I finally got my 2nd Criminal Justice Degree after owing tuition,they held it since 2015 smh,But I finally have it in my possession!! 🙏🏾😊
AIO to my sister “outing” me as Bi at work?
The Iliad best translation
AITA for telling my daughter to eat healthy before chemo?
Rescue from Cyprus, any ideas?
Shame him
AITAH for humiliating my friend after he kept bragging about his IQ?
AIO The mid 30s guy I like follows tons of unerage girls on TikTok and adds them on IG...
AIO Is my ex boyfriend’s reaction to me breaking up with him insane? 21f 36m