Never thought I'd be bullied as an adult for my taste in music, but here we are.
What would you change about Melanie's brand if you could?
Very new to Björk, need recommendations.
Every artist has “that one photo”, whats björks?
Every artist has “that one photo”, whats Kanye’s?
What could have possibly been the question
This shitty Photoshop I did in a high school art class
What do you think is the most iconic Björk photo?
Why people are like this
Playing survivor is genuinely horrendous
Political and economic state of jumpstyle
What song on this album do you listen to the most
Any of these worth hatching?
This is way above my paygrade
no damage number?
Melanie has a labubu 😭
New gen aaaaaaah jumpen
How did you discover Yabujin?
Sometimes it literally feels like hes just some Homeless dude that got fans🫶😭
Asking your opinion every day about a $uicideboy$ song day 25: To Have and Have Not
Average Flame Masters Matchup 💀💀
Found another picture of a parent (father side of family)
What is your $B “deep cut”
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
which signatures are authentic at this point
what is your "i did not care for the godfather" take of melanie martinez?
made this