Meanwhile in the b4b discord…his list grows daily 😂🤣
relic fencing chainsword fixed
Fencing nerf and fencing relic chainsword bug
This Feels Relevant right about now.
The average hunter is kinda unhinged when you think about it
Which Unit Do You Wish Was Better?
Who would you rather fight (Sunbreak)
I've heard some monster hunter veterans complain that rise is too easy but is it a good game for someone who has never played MH before?
What build to do with primordial malzeno with gunlance?
Is learning and mastering counter-moves a must?
Dual Threat Quests are the pinnacle of fun
Risen Shagaru is a POS
Elements in Sunbreak
Does Lance have bad dps
is P. Malzeno's armor good for every build?
Twin vine
The Lance of Wildhearts
Is it just me or is Lance easy?
Any new monster spawns in AR quest?
Sunbreak Title Update 4 releasing February 7,2023 ー Returning Elder Dragon: Velkhana & Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax
The 7 Deadly Sins
[PSA] On Your Mark is Bugged, Gives 5% Ammo not 10%
Is it normal for Bots to not hit Bosses?
Also holly rework! 👀
Does playing solo with bots lower the difficulty?