5 reasons why this is the most boring season
Some people say this season is boring but still keep watching.
Jwana karim and her ex
Do people in korea calculate ages differently?
Favorite couple/ favorite cast
Ebraheem’s replies to comments on his posts
subconscious racism towards farhana
This guys was hysterical and out of Central Casting
Just started watching the Happily Ever After, after watching the rest in chronological order and god I cannot stand Danielle
My first time watching Baby Girl Lisa🙄🤢
Jeremey and his cult
What can I do for my ldr bf on his bday?
Loved Modern family but s10 is super boring
General female 100 marks any chance?
What’s your favourite Christmas movie?
Detan pack O3 or Raaga?
HuBbA hUbBa 🥰 🤤 😈 😋
Rayne NEVER over reacts!
Every. Single. Episode.
Is it just me or does Sarper looks like a wax figure
Sucks to be friend zoned, but especially if you have been led on. Was she?
Any chance this is all a clever ruse? Are we being catfished?
The i****t factor
is simran posting here?