AITAH for saying the parents are to blame for near drowning
Funny thing about Xaden....
24 hours vape free!
Something that I noticed about Dain on my re read
Navarres darkest secret: Why leadership does not want the war to end
Alaric has been eliminated!!
How long does it take for license to be appear on BON after passing NCLEX in NY?
Why is East Hamptons and Montauk area so blue despite being wealthy and Rural?
One word.
This character just catapulted to my top three after finishing OS!
We need to talk about the implications of this!
I'll be dead soon and I'm happy
Disturbing Situation…Delta Handled It Great!
What’s the most awkward thing you had to do in nursing school?
What do you feel other nurses & HCWs misunderstand about your specialty?
Is there a way to motivate patients to take charge of their own health?
Why does it say “Free” next to deceased family members name on Facebook
UnitedHealth CEO attacked
Idiot roommate
I feel bad about being so disgusted by a woman in my class
How did y’all pronounce “Feyre” before finding out the proper pronunciation?
How is violet inspiring to you?
A random thought about Cat
Should I turn in my fellow student?
Nickname for Autumn?