How much did you pay for your puppy?
He ate everything in his hotel room's minibar.
My wife's Black Limba GS Mini & my 614 Charcoal
Just a typical morning at the US Embassy in Ottawa, Canada
Returning for Words of Encouragement
Is this a vintage Gibson?
Portuguese Snow Dog anyone?
Is something wrong with my PWD?
Happy new year to all fellow PWDs! Hope you got through the fireworks okay.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all - from Colorado
Opened up my gift to myself early!
Is this a real DG335?
A Portrait in Snow
One year old today, high five!
Grooming Cost
My wife grew a bunch of regular garlic and one Super-Mutant Garlic.
Teething tips? (Send Help 🥲)
Meet our new boy!! And when should he get his 10-12 week vaccines?
Information about the "Bernadora"
From the Alps, Dolomites, and now the Rockies!
Coopers haircut
Winter is coming.
My PWD Puppy Just humiliated Me—Any Advice?
Flying first time with PWD