ADHD boss babes don’t use Barbri !!!!
Failed again (NY). MPTs still a serious issue.
another retaker that passed post
Accountability (Above the Law)
just primal screaming in my apartment with my husband and pup
Is the website working for you guys?
I am keep refreshing email and reddit like crazy for an hour rn ..
Mass just dropped… Always the bridesmaid never the bride huh.
So- Change of Address deadline is April 15 (tomorrow) meaning in theory, that notorious change of address button should be grayed out tomorrow... what are our thoughts on delivery of results with that in mind?
Anyone wanna call the board and ask if we’re getting results next week? 😅
Feb takers: can you register for July 23?
Quick question regarding NY results
why i'm proud to be a new yorker
What is the main objective of the bar exam?
The year is 2023, the NY Bar exam website still looks like it's from 2000. Yet here we are waiting for the dreaded "grayed out" to occur refreshing like it's a myspace top 8 from 2005. God help us all.
Mental health check-in
Did anyone get the follow up survey email from the NCBE and still recently passed
What if the NY July Exam runs out of seats by the time they tell us our Feb results?When will they tell us!!!
Still so confused about the NY Bar July registration situation
NYS- when will box Greg out and does it matter: all wild speculation welcome
Strong instinct that the NY Bar release may be tomorrow? Wasn't the NYLE released early this year too in Dec?
In the spirit of finding things to enjoy about the uncertainty: how are you treating yourself during this time without the responsibility of certification (eg the jobs that makes this worth it)/studying for certification?
Only 6 more days of waking up at 4am to a Bar results anxiety tummy ache🥰
NY where art thou?
I'm just going to say this.