"proof Ali is God and pure Tawheed" very scary
is it haram to not speak to a parent
Sunnis who became Shia, what made you do it?
Is an ADN that takes 2 years at community college worth the time?
what do you all do?
Why did you become Shia (if you were ex-Sunni)?
Well this time it was nice to see some sunnis with neutral view points.Pakistan isn't all doom and gloom it seems there might be a little hope
I know the Shias context of this .Can any sunni bro tell what they were taught and told?
Why do sunnis believe Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) was sunni?
Has anyone come across the book "rather misguided"
Help please about marriage
Please read - important
how to convince parents for a Sunni Shia marriages
how to convince parents for a Sunni Shia marriage
how can i convince my dad for a Sunni Shia marriages
English muffin ideas
how to convince my parents for a Sunni Shia marriages