Didn't know they could get that big
Is this sand harmful?
Just finished dorohedoro
I hate neon tetras
what’s a character that you never played/cared for at first but you play them alot now?
Took me months to finish these counter-build heroes. Are they viable for RTA?
I have accepted the loss.... The end of Manganato/kalot/nelo
Goodbye old friend
Is zarya really overtuned right now or something??
Why won't you target the mercy???
Love bugs but don’t know millipedes, what is this butt chewing behavior?
Is prayer allowed on the University's campus
Some random photos taken in my trip to Grenoble last June. It's a beautiful and calm city.
Where can I get MolaGora in Epic Seven
Why they put a random diamond on my team in a top 100 lobby 😭
anyone know what's causes them to go into this frenzy? they normally don't at like this
Kuhli loaches are dying
What is your dream pet fish?
Is mold really that bad ?
New to the hobby - my panda :’)
wtf is in my shrimp tank
Since when could you pull Yuna???
How much does TDS actually matter
Just dipped my mollies as guinea pigs into my newly (hopefully) cycled tank, as I've spent the last six months HATING them, but now I'm rooting so hard for them I'm near tears
Spiky spanish isopods