This may be my greatest Chivalry achievement! Behold my masterpiece!
Straight griefing.
Im new and loving this game
Time for goofiness. Leg day 🔊
I love you all teehee
People have the weirdest/funniest names. What funny ones have u seen?
Im still new to this game but it's so brutal I love it
good reaction time or...?
The power of music...
Looting is so satisfying but so are first person kills 🤌
Falchion Fun
Tell me how is my drip ?
Lvl 200 (and 1) check in. How are my suicides?
Auto balance is annoying
when in doubt, slash
Who are the players you see most often in your games?
Peasant Mode is back! FOR MEAT AND VEGETABLES!!
Saints row 3 not getting respect after killing cops
I'm feeling low about my skills and games recently. But I love spamming battlecries. My progression so far
New player advice
How did I hit that??
do people in this game know how to read?
Is Gat out of Hell worth it ?
Why is this great game not talked about?