Giving everyone a job in my imaginative company
Bang bang
IT mis-information
Even their Homeworld’s Alpha Predators Avoid Them
Ich halte die schwarze Null für ein gutes Ziel.
Yeah, no. Sorry. Even though I love the rule of cool, there's still a limit to what I'll allow.
And they lived happily ever after...
Is racism a thing in swiss schools?
Do not rent with ARGO
[WP] After getting Isekai'd you decide that killing the demon lord only for him to respawn is a bad idea. To fix the problem permanently, you decide to use your power to be successful in medieval politics instead.
[WP] Turns out when you kill a demon in a fair fight, you inherit their contracts.
How the F do I apply for disability when it requires CALLING PEOPLE
How can I protect myself against scrapers
Is It Weird to be a Teenager Going to a Pediatrician?
What’s your best tip for organizing a team toward a common goal?
ESTJ’s “Organized Chaos” Is a Thing of Beauty... For You, Not Me
ESTJs how do you date? Do you have a system or do you scope what's out there and adjust your goals?
Imagine a fight between there two
I (INFJ) love my ESTJ a lot
The guy who made this app was hired by Meta to flood Facebook with AI-generated bot accounts
Coffee is healthy. But….
My views on each MBTI type as an ESFP - based on my personal experiences!!!
Wie hoch ist tatsächlich die Arbeitslosenquote in Deutschland?