maybe this should go in shitty restriction food but TRUST ME, it's good.
Literally the best coping skill when it comes to my ED and OCD thoughts
pet peeve
is it necessary 😐😐
MY FAV EVER FOOD - sweet halvah udon
Think you know your kcals ?
rapid weight gain
Do you ever get cravings for food you never even liked?
slavic girl breakfast😭
“Recovery account” that tracks the calories of 7 blueberries and posts wieiad that are 900-1k
I need help. Please
things that can interfere with recovery. poll
my current food obsession
Such a stupid reason to end up with an eating disorder
Cold chills after eating
How do I stop obsessing about what others eat?
What are your comfort foods right now?
Can't help but agree w this
TW purging help i need some post purge self care advices
How do you know when the honeymoon phase is over?
Small piece of embroidery about anorexia that I did.
similar youtuber to ro mitchell?
i wake up every morning wanting to recover and go to bed wanting to heavily restrict again. what do i do?
Binging VS Extreme hunger (as a girl who experienced both)