What's up with this "massage" place on Wake Forest Rd across from McNeill Pointe?
Is that the gas you stole??
My 5 <20$
My wife wanted me to put this new little hand towel holder put up in my daughter’s bathroom. I will be outta here in 5 minutes. Ten bucks just like that.
I don't wanna argue about this anymore!
My "word of the day" is essentially what Ricky does on a daily basis
What is the greatest episode of television you’ve ever watched?
Randy's Perm
Unknown wall mounted tension lines in basement\crawlspace under garage.
I saw this today, but J Roc and T figured out it long ago.
You pissed yourself Mr Lahey
Found one
Sam Losco!!
Ricky would like to make a request under the People’s Freedom of Choices and Voices Act that he be able to smoke and swear.
Julian the chicken finger is my cock!
Best Defense In The League
Ricky, he's rocking your cup harrrrrd...
Clean. Neat. This is what I imagine Levi's trailer looks like.
27M. Genuinely curious what assumptions can be made about me based on my home
Injuries and scratches
The whole team is a game-time decision tonight
Favorite episode name?
"Tell him, tell him, I don't know tell him to go fuck himself!" "Rick, go fuck yourself buddy!"
Lahey's linguistics
Those 2 are fucking dumb