How do you spell Bridgette?
“this has meme potential”
How many do you guys drink a day?
What is this sub becoming?
Is this justified teamkill
Is this good progress? I play without a stack. Nearly 400h of playtime
At this point, which card is more annoying?
Just as I was getting used to fly around
Need teammates for diamond, this in one of my 1v3 clutch
people who use these 2 evos together should get a perma ban
Was there EVEN an option to miss the headshot?????
What should I change?
About damn time
Guess the rank of this lobby
Draco just saw your last meme related image on yo phone, what horrors did he find?
If you play for kills; quit the game
Tell me the instrument that you play
as long as i have reddit ;)))))
Why am I losing RP after a win?
How long does it take to get good at the game?
Good aim or cronus?
How did I die?
Not sure why I should go invis when healing, but thanks for getting me to diamond 💎
Why clash royale fans are the worst?