I'm not sure if this restaurant was only in the northeast, but anyone go to the Ground Round as a kid?
from a moms group
Is your Costco insanely packed!!??
The worst I’ve seen!
Tenant got a puppy, told us it’s not a pit bull, looking for insight.
Does Indianapolis have an identity.
Movies that messed you up cause you watched it when you were too young
Black/women/lgbt owned or supportive buisnesses?
They need your help, lol!
It's happening
How do people decide they'll never want kids
AITA: Wouldn't let kid skip a week of school at home to travel to see snow
When did men start being invited to baby showers?
Hi, if you’re one of the people flying a confederate flag in the state I have news for you:
Have at it, gals!
Another rewatch, another set of questions
The Truth Was Spoken Aloud
Love You Forever
Uhhh, what exactly did I just find?
She’s a little “Alien Bug” as my partner says!
First sweater of the year
AIO: Received an end of life planner from my Mom for Christmas
Third Time Matching
What are your favorite yelled/screamed lines from the show?
Donor age