Parking lot sagebrush kit
Let's say that you and around few hundred fellow survivors are trying to find a place that will serve as a base, fortress, and home. In your opinion, which one is more optimal? (you are a few years into the apocalypse)
My first ever vertical weld using (i have only been welding for 2 days prior to this)
“In hindsight” the evolution of my weld chair.
Go my mig gun working! What’s everyone’s thoughts on my first welds
When you blew right through the tube but it still loves you.
Roll it by hand.
Clean 💥
It’s hard not to gate keep when some dudes welding in a movie
Roast my weld?
Bore Sights
Just started learning TIG. Roast my welds.
We posting hoods?!
Made these holster straps.
Friend said I should post this on here
Anyone know what Jacket this Dutch Operator might have? Would also like to know his leg holster if possible.
2 weeks in weld pic what you guys think tmr I’ll be starting my 4th week I’ll have some new pics just haven’t been taking pictures just been working hard I’m on 3g now picture was 1g
Rate this job
Firsts of Tig Aluminum
Here was one of my first MiG filet joints. Yes I know the metal is not clean judge the weld not the metal
What am I doing wrong here? Keep messing up my cap and can’t keep a straight line. Any tip would be appreciated
My Polaris Welding Hood