Am I sanding this right?
My math tutor has never heard of dyslexia/dycalsia is this a red flag?
What am I?
Ik a lot of us hate melatonin because of how much it was shoved down our throats but I figured something out recently
It’s SNOWING in Gulfport Mississippi!!!
As an Irish trans person who's moving to the states, what should I expect?
Is 400 alters common?
Pro Trump businesses to avoid in the Burgh
So excited for this monster themed build a bear style plush backerkit!
If I have changed my birth certificate sex and name and never applied for a passport before am I safe to apply for one now?
Build a bear style monster backerkit!
My cat won’t stop attacking me and now has given me an infection
Whats the absolute worst that could happen to us in the US right now?
Does anyone else have a really weird IQ range?
Sensory based intrusive thoughts?
I love my dog dearly. But he is annoying. Anyone else in the same boat?
my girlfriend’s new meds are spherical
ELI5: Will the tariffs in the US raise the price of stuff from overseas on websites like AliExpress or other cheap overseas platforms?
ELI5: Will Trumps tariffs raise the price of stuff from overseas on websites like AliExpress or other cheap overseas platforms?
Nipples ending up being darker after top surgery?
Do you guys wear collars on your indoor cats?
Which design for horse fursuit "paws"
Is it possible to have MSN and be High Masking?
Can you tell what animal this is?
Resident cat hissing and swatting at new cat even though she is going up to him