“My midwife and ob approved “ A high risk pregnancy and Thrive? 😱
Partying for 24 hours straight? I genuinely wonder how they’re gonna manage to do that
‘Alabama Values’ will be GOP lawmakers’ focus in 2025 legislative session, but what does that mean?
Georgia firefighter killed, 2 injured in Alabama shooting
Autopsy of Shannan Balla and Cece Watts
Alabama Gov. Tommy Tuberville? Senator will be ‘overwhelming favorite’ if he runs in 2026
What’s the smallest venue Phish has played since 2009?
SW’s post from 2010 🙄🙄
Are fetuses parasites?
Jackie’s hiding spots
Gypsy’s new TikTok post boasting about how she’s a “fit” mom now 1 week postpartum. This video is giving heavy Jenelle Evans vibes mixed with Charles Manson.
Dentist’s that accept adult Medicaid
Affordable dentures
Why do you think she did not seek any pre-natal care?
Has anyone had to replace a partial denture from Affordable Dentures?
Public Health
Another very strange thing about the watts- what was up with their printed T’s?
Engine overheating reduce speed
What is a crazy medical fact that most people don't know about?
Hi! Moving to Alabama in February is DR Horton homes good?
36M, anesthesiologist
when is your due date?
Cullman Christkindlmarkt
[North Carolina] I was receiving benefits but now it’s back to claim in process?