Have you ever seen any nepotism in your life?
Have you been desperate for something?
Have you met an athlete or a celebrity?
Ron and Sam then it Blueface and Chrisean.
For $5 million per year until you die, would you publicly publish the messages in your closest friends' group chat? no edits allowed!!
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
People who have dated single parents how did it go?
Have there been an actor/actress that played a character so good to the point where you only see them as their character?
If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your shirt say?
Women who have gotten pregnant or are currently pregnant have you ever had any weird cravings that just happened randomly?
Has anyone called them yet about getting refunded?
What is an album that you can listen to and never get tired of?
What is one album that you can sit through with no skips?
What is a Food chain that overrated?
Has there ever been a celebrities death hit you hard?
What are you guys planning for Valentine's day?
What is one food that you don't like and why?
People who had a wedding reception. What was the name the song that you and your partner danced to for the first time?
Is Reddit your app of choice for random scrolling?
Where did you meet your significant other at?
What's a scam that everyone just accepts as normal?
The most recent purchase you made is now completely out of stock what is it?
Have you ever come close to being arrested? If yes, why?
What is your favorite day of the week and why?