Big Sister-cosplay
Good and Evil
As a character designer i love creating characters
Druidic Spellblade
Depraved perfumer robe is under appreciated + 2 other outfits
Sybella The Bloodflame Witch
Cool screenshots I took of my character
You killed Maliketh to release death. I killed Maliketh to rock his sword on my back for fashion. We are not same.
Nameless puppet-build
Dragonbro Hogtied
Steal gimpgirls look
The Frenzied Scarecrow
You're average Jar Innards.
Armor-combination for Pieta from Lords of the Fallen?
Build for my characters backstory
Lords of the Fallen Pieta-build
Laxasia from Lies of P alternate version
Pieta from Lords of the Fallen
Demon's Souls original vs remake. What do you think is better?
Finally found have an outfit I really like :D
Gimpgirl making a proper dookie
Gimpgirl making a dookie
Most brutal gimp position
RL150: Gravity God vs Radahn (no damage fight, strength/int build, stats/equipment at 4:55)
Lame or cool?