Is my 6 month old kitten overweight or does she look fine?
How fast does weakness happen once the day starts?
Poor hygiene and the narc
The good part of the smear campaign
"You don't seem very submissive"
Familiar Friday. Please share pictures of your magical friends. No new pictures of Mau Mau this week. This is from a few months ago. I will try to get a pic again later today. Blessings to all of your magical family.
Being so tired that I can't stay awake?
I swear I have the world's worst immune system
Wanna see them going through a thermonuclear meltdown?
I can’t believe it. We found “Chad”
How to feel beautiful being a Single mom
How to help someone who has been traumatised by the horrible people in the community.
If you could design Hell for narcissists, what would it be like?
PrEgNancy is nOT diFfiCuLT
Familiar Friday. Please share pictures of your magical friends. Her eyes are not evil, plus, her appetite is good again. At 23, that is critical for her health. Blessings to all of your magical family.
I call upon the incredible power of The Sun to protect and energize all who read these words. So Mote It Be.
Choose your fighter
Human traffickers in Alicante and no one doing anything about it???
Icky DMs
What did you do with all the photo’s of you with your nex?
I am an artist making a series of interviews around the link between BDSM and ADHD. I'm wondering if any folks here would be interested in participating?
At what point does posessiveness/controlling behaviour become abusive?
Sleep and morning stiffness
How to look less dominant