Florida Motorcycle Accident! Hit And Run?
Meet at the door
Fuck them vultures
Never accept low price orders!!!
Americans spent 23% less on streaming services in 2024. Why? Lack of good content? Prices?
If a guy replies immediately, is he into you?
Web application avoid use burpsuite
Do you think a woman with 4 kids with 4 baby daddies is a red flag?
When the couple who gave you a cat send you this the next day…
AITA for lying to my husband and telling him that my baby is his?
Is it better to submit my resume as a .DOCX, or as a PDF?
Siri “unintentionally” recorded private convos; Apple agrees to pay $95M
Some Lady was just yelling at me for popping off 10 rounds for the new year
I stopped repeating myself when my husband says “what” and it made me so much happier
Boycott shit like this !
This is just insane
Saw this facker throw trash out of his window. Name and shame
static tattoo with "shaking" effect
Wondering how many of you have 80% or higher in this stat
Just had to show someone else lol